If you are with a hosting company and want to move your site to one that is probably better, you may be considering Bluehost. Not only does Bluehost get good reviews from many of the people whose websites are hosted with them, it also has other benefits as well.
The only problem with moving from another company to Bluehost, however, can be the fee you have to pay to migrate your sites. Fees other hosting companies often do not charge.
How much are Bluehost fees for site migrations? — This is where Bluehost is far inferior to other hosting companies as their migration fees are very expensive.
Bluehost charges for site migrations around $14.99 to move up to five sites from your old hosting company to them. When you consider most other hosting services do this for free, not only is it expensive, the $149.99 fee would pay for hosting for a year at many other hosting companies.
Is paying the Bluehost migration fee worthwhile? — It depends on what you are looking for, and how adept you are at migrating sites yourself. In other words, if you can learn how to migrate your own sites to Bluehost, or even get a more tech-savvy friend to do it for you, it would make sense for you to do that.
If you cannot, then you should think seriously about spending $149.99 to have Bluehost do it. Especially if you can move to another hosting company like Siteground, for instance, and have them do it for you without any cost at all.
Are there other drawbacks to Bluehost? — It is not just high site migration fees that are a negative when it comes to signing up with Bluehost either.
After all, unlike other hosting companies that offer cheap packages that include all the things you would need, Bluehost charges for some of them.
Take site back up and restoration. While that is included at many other companies, Bluehost charges over $35 a year to do that. They also charge for SSL certificates, additional domain names and a dedicated IP address. That means, by the time you have paid for everything you want to have every month, your basic cost for hosting your site at Bluehost could have suddenly gone sky high.
Do an extensive price comparison — While Bluehost is definitely a very good hosting company, you should still do extensive price comparisons before deciding to go with them.
After all, you may end up being surprised that, what you thought was inexpensive website hosting, has so many additional monthly fees it becomes quite a bit more expensive than you have ever paid for website hosting before.